PB 2020 winner

Thanks to our hard working team of volunteers, our Community Garden Project application has been successful at the 2020 Participatory Budgeting competition.

Our Garden Project helps people of all ages to engage in activity, come together, tend the garden, use produce  for cooking etc. There are the soothing effects of gardening, overcoming health problems,  and catering to those who suffer from  a disability and stress related conditions. We have designed our garden space to make it more accessible for anyone, including with a disability. Gardening gets you out in the fresh air and sunshine, and it also helps with blood circulation.

Those attending the project represented this as their main point of social contact which  provides them with the important source of support. This demonstration of social opportunities could lead to the formation of friendships and development of social skills through meeting people and teamwork. Friendship is an integral part of the community garden experience. Clients and volunteers described how they considered  other project users to be friends and were keen for existing friends  outside the project to join.

The PB team said that they have had a record number of votes and we would like to thanks everyone for your support. This funding will help us to continue our work in promoting healthy activity, breaking isolation and engage with the community.