Ending Period Poverty


Period poverty is not a myth, this is the reality for many women in the world, including in the UK. Women bleed every months, and they need protection but when you cannot even afford food, sanitary products are low priority on your list.

Many will use folded toilet paper, sock, old newspaper, cushion to create sanitary pad. Many young girls will miss school and feel miserable which has led the Scottish Government to give access to free products at school and many workplaces.

The pandemic has had a major impact on many women because many places have had to shut down completely.

Since July 2020, we at the Dudhope Multicultural Centre, have decided to a help and offer a point of collection for sanitary product at our centre for anyone who needs it. We also have a reusable options which are eco-friendly and our staff are trained to give advice on how to use these products too.

If you need anything, please just come into our Centre and speak to any of our staff members who will be happy to provide anything you need.