Silver Award from Dundee City Council’s Community Garden Project

We are very pleased to have been awarded silver in the Dundee City Council’s Community Garden Project 2023 competition by the judges.

The Silver Award isn't just about recognition; it's a celebration of our commitment to making this garden a reality. It acknowledges the planning, design, and dedication that went into turning a patch of earth into a lively green space. Winning this award is a shared victory, highlighting the power of our community spirit. Every plant in our garden tells a story of collaboration and determination. The award recognizes the talents and skills of everyone involved, from experienced gardeners to those just starting out. Our garden is a living reminder that when a community comes together, remarkable things can happen. A testament to that is all the lovely herbs, fruits, flowers, and vegetables we have managed to grow, even some that the judges have not seen elsewhere! We very much take pride in growing many tropical vegetables such as different varieties of spinach, lau (looks like marrow), ladies fingers.

Thank you to everyone for your continuous support towards the garden project based at the Dudhope Multicultural Centre, we hope to keep up the good work

PB 2020 winner

Thanks to our hard working team of volunteers, our Community Garden Project application has been successful at the 2020 Participatory Budgeting competition.

Our Garden Project helps people of all ages to engage in activity, come together, tend the garden, use produce  for cooking etc. There are the soothing effects of gardening, overcoming health problems,  and catering to those who suffer from  a disability and stress related conditions. We have designed our garden space to make it more accessible for anyone, including with a disability. Gardening gets you out in the fresh air and sunshine, and it also helps with blood circulation.

Those attending the project represented this as their main point of social contact which  provides them with the important source of support. This demonstration of social opportunities could lead to the formation of friendships and development of social skills through meeting people and teamwork. Friendship is an integral part of the community garden experience. Clients and volunteers described how they considered  other project users to be friends and were keen for existing friends  outside the project to join.

The PB team said that they have had a record number of votes and we would like to thanks everyone for your support. This funding will help us to continue our work in promoting healthy activity, breaking isolation and engage with the community.

Silver Award at Dundee City Council's Community Garden Project competition

We are very proud to announce that this year we have won the silver award in the Dundee City Council's Community Garden Project competition. It feels wonderful to see how the garden has evolved over this past year, and this is largely down to the efforts and dedication of our committed volunteers. It is amazing to see how all our hard work has paid off. Last year, we won bronze, this year we achieved silver. Next year we may even strike gold. Thank you to everyone for your continuous support towards the garden project based at the Dudhope Multicultural Centre, we hope to keep up the good work. Please watch the video below to see just how far we have come!!

See this year’s garden form this short video from one of our more anthusiastic volunteer.

Basil In Bloom

The basil is in full bloom in our greenhouse. I love how this herb is incorporated into our day to day cooking at the Ashram. 

This organic herb is an excellent addition to the fantastic lunch club dishes.